Hundreds of hard earned dollars have slipped through my hands as I blindly took the AdSense challenge and miserably failed time and time again. More importantly, hundreds of wasted hours of blind preparation, research and action were about as fruitful as a petrified forest.
It all started, as it usually does, with dozens of so-called successful marketers pushing ‘How To Get Rich With AdSense Earnings‘ e-books, webinars, programs, email courses, memberships and every other possible ploy to get you to release a little PayPal cash. Sound familiar?
The problem with following these heavy hitters and their wannabe followers (affiliates) is they are not promoting what they do to make money online, they are simply selling a product, most of which are substandard to say the least. They have a product built and simply plug it into their marketing system already in place. They pump these offers and promotions out as fast as possible without ever looking back. It’s a very profitable system – for them! You are left holding the sixty page e-book on how to make money with AdSense earnings that just cost you $47. In most cases the amount of work that went into writing those $47 AdSense Tips is less than the research I’ve done on writing a single blog post.Click here to buy an adsnse account